Stand Tall and Shake the Heavens



Xenogears/No.10 The Stars Know

Talk to the gear (Johnny). Buy some weapons like Sonic GWhip for Bart, Yamane Sword for Citan... He sells an A Charger which restores 50 fuel... Extra Ar+7... Sell your gold buillion, eyeball, fang, etc. Crescens (Emeralda's Gear) doesn't have a Fix Frame yet so buy her one.

You're in some cave again. There will be some enemies here along the way.


Croaker Tribe -- easy to kill when you're in a gear.

Griffon -- this thing keeps on missing but so will your regular attacks. Use level 1 deathblows.

Tusk-tusk -- these green things have lots of HPs! Focus your attacks on one tusk-tusk at a time. After five <X> attacks, it will die.

There is a boulder by the blue memory cube. Push it aside. It's not easy to move the boulder in your first try. Some groups of Croaker Tribes will try to attack you. If you're not in your gear, use CALL GEAR to get on your gear during battle. I suggest that you use Vierge's Aerods to get rid of them in a single turn.

After moving the boulder aside, replenish your fuel and hp by going to Shopkeeper Johnny. The boulder seems to be moved around in a counter clockwise direction if I'm not mistaken. What I did was to move it to the left first then I found myself at the back of the boulder. I examined the boulder and Fei said something about pushing it and so I did and it moved to the left and a lound sound was made by the boulder. Get out of your gear and examine the door to get in.

On the next room is a puzzle. Look around. The front part of the room has three holes in it. What you need to do is to put three large stones in each hole. Now, first things first. Examine the back of the stones. When I say BACK, I mean the side AWAY from the holes. After reading the last stone (the one saying something about the "unseen"), go to wall on the [right] near the corner and examine the wall. It should say something about "4 steps south, 10 steps west." DO THAT FIRST. When doing the 4 steps, walk continuously, meaning, BIG STEPS, not the small ones. You can do big steps by not letting go of the directional buttons. After doing 4 steps, turn /SOUTH\ and do 10 BIG steps. Yes, you will hit the wall on probably your 7th or 8th step but keep on walking until you reach 10 steps. Precisely 4 and 10 steps are needed. Nothing more, nothing less. You will know that what you did was right when a stone fall from the ceiling. DO NOT MOVE that stone yet.

Go to the standing stones (the three pillars) and go to the [left] one, the stone that says something about looking at the back of the stone. Do that the AFTER the the 4 steps, 10 steps. After examining the back of the stone, a second stone will fall down. DO NOT MOVE that stone. The stone that fell is at the back of the second stone. If you notice, that stone is a stepping stone so that you can go up the second stone pillar. Go up, be careful not to push the stone. When you're at the top of the stone pillar, jump up and a third stone will fall down. Now, look at the fallen stones. They are aligned with the holes.

Push the stones to their CORRESPONDING holes. If you did it right, the ground will shake and a very short sequence follows. If you did wrong, nothing will happen. You don't have to reset the game, just step out of the room and go back in again. The stone will be gone. And you can start solving the puzzle again.

When you get out, the yellow memory cube is still there. Save your game if you want to.

Xenogears/No.11 The Stars Know

If you did right, step out of the room. You'll see that there is a part of the place which collapsed therefore making it possible for you to jump on the other side. Make a running jump and jump to the middle and do another running jump to reach the other end. Open the door.

Walk to the [right] side then get out of your gears. Run and go to the other end. Open the next door. Go inside, open the chest and go to the next room. Go to the end of the room. Walk at the sides because there are trapdoors in the middle. Examine the thing on the end. Walk backwards a little and you'll fall down a trapdoor. As you fall down, push the directional button towards the /EAST\ to prevent you from falling all the way. You'll find yourself going in a room instead. Open the door in the end.

When you reach the middle of the room, a group of stalactites will go down (or stalagmites, whatever). When go down, jump on them and let them carry you to the top. Go through the door and enter the room.

In the next room, examine the place. There is a pool and infront of are two white tiles. On the left side of the left tile is a white diamond-shaped thing. Another diamond-shaped thing is found on the other right side of the right tile. These 4 things (2 diamond-shaped things and 2 tiles) are switches.


left diamond, A;
left tile, B;
right tile, C;
right diamond, D.

Press/step on them in this order: D, C, A, B, A, B, D, C, A, B.

Jump down and open the door. Head /SOUTH\ and turn [right]. Push the round rock down. Keep on walking until you reach the end. Go [left] and open the door. Run back to your gears then jump down. Open the door on the end.

There is a memory cube... Save your game!

Xenogears/No.12 The Stars Know

Go /NORTH\. Get out of your gears and cross the narrow bridge. When you get to the other end, press L2+R2 and you'll be in your gears again. Jump and when you reach the higher part, get out of your gears and enter the door.

Walk to the end then open the door. Walk again then open the next door. Walk then open the other end. Looks familiar? You're in the Anima Dungeon 2 now. There's a computer on the [right] side. Examine it.

25,000 HP
Do a System Id on Fei to inflict >4500 HP damage on Hammer. He'll lower the defense of your gears. Once he gets RED, ESCAPE the battle otherwise he'll blow up and all of your members will die with him.

If you beat him before he turns explodes, you'll get a trader's card from him. With it, you will be able to get rare items when you beat enemies. (Thanks to for the tip)

[ x e n o g e a r s - m e g a - w a l k t h r o u g h ]